Visit Anaheim

Exhibit Hall Capacities

Exhibit Halls ― 813,607 Total Square Feet

Room Name Dimensions Square Feet Ceiling Height  Theater  Banquet 10' x 10'
8' x 10'
Hall A 250’ x 530’ 145,841 18’6”–24’ 12,000 9,000 718 18 736
Hall B 250’ x 530’ 147,335 20’6”–25’ 12,250 9,200 718 18 736
Hall C 245’ x 575’ 155,673 20’6”–25’ 12,900 9,700 759 32 791
Hall D 325’ x 472’–530’ 221,284 25’ 15,000 13,800 1,140 1,140
Hall E 270’ x 535’ 143,474 13’8” 8,000 650 650


Arena ― 28,140 Total Square Feet (Flat Floor)
7,500 Capacity, Stadium Style Seating

Room Name Dimensions  Square Feet Ceiling Height Theater Classroom Banquet 10' x 10'
Arena 146’ x 207’ 28,140 45’–89’ 7,500 1,200 145
Arena Lobby 75’ x 144’ 10,800 8’–21’6” 40
AR1 62’ x 50’ 3,100 15’ 350 175 200
AR2 57’ x 50’ 2,100 15’ 150 75 75
AR1 + AR2 Combined 62’ x 100’ 5,200 15’ 500 250 275


ACC Level One

ACC Level One



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